

three new observations. well, actually, all of these are old observations, but as i was reminded of each of them today, i decided i would jot down some comments. first, racism. second, likes and dislikes according to the honduran campo. and finally, public urination.

lets start with the hardcore, move to the lighter, and finally finish with the funny. you always want to finish with the funny.

alright, so racism. so im sitting today, reading the bible for educational purposes when i start a discussion with a local regarding religion. now this is dangerous territory for me, especially since everyone here thinks im going to hell for believing in my own god, and not theirs. and since the supposed apocalypse is coming up, which i'm slowly starting to believe due to what i hear and see every day, they remind me of it more and more. when judgement day comes, they say, you will see the error of your ways. right, well, i'll see that i missed out on a bunch of valuable experiences while arguing this topic with you people. anyway, more importantly, finally, the argument comes to its climax. we start talking about how the world is already going to hell with all the wars, homosexuality (sorry dave and anyone else who may be reading this, just so you know their opinion, not mine), std's, adultery (which kinda is related to std's supposedly), and natural disasters. then we start talking about haiti, being that it just occurred and is probably the most horrible natural disaster in some time. this is when it got ugly. the guy goes, and I quote, "you know god does these things because people are disobidient and sinners. like those blacks in haiti, with all their vices and sex. thats all they like, adultery. filthy people. they more or less provoked it" I sat there stupified. this is an intelligent (supposedly) educated person, one of the leaders of my community. and i was like, "relax, and be careful with what you say. i'm not having any kind of racist discussion. i'm telling you, watch it". and he looked at me and goes, "i'm not racist. i'm just saying that those blacks are..." I walked out at that point. I don't really get where that shit comes from either. First of all, it's not like the guy is all that white himself, which I guess wouldnt be a good excuse but at least neo nazis always have that argument: master race. but no, the guy is honduran, which means he's a mix of spanish blood (part black due to the moors), honduran indian blood (which may also be part black due to the caribs and garifuna), and whatever else. in no way can this person argue any color type of thing just for that reason. its like the pot calling the black a kettle (like my play on words?). no way. and well, the other argument, the real argument, is that racism is one of the ugliest things out there. and how the fuck can anyone with half a brain, think like that. i guess i will never know.

alright, lighter tema (that's topic for all you non-spanish speakers). So i'm walking down the street today, and this guy who passes me says, "Hey demetrio, so you really like walking huh?" "yeah i guess, sure, adios". You may think thats not that weird, but when you take into account every other incident, you might change your mind. another example, i get a jalon from work because the walk uphill is a pain when its night, cold, and raining. when i get to my house, someone on the corner comments, "hey demetrio, not much for walking? dont really like to, you know, walk?". wait, one more. i get offered coffee this afternoon, i refuse because well, i didnt really want any at the time. "so, you don't like coffee right? none of the gringos i know like coffee. why is that?" apparently, whatever action one makes in the campo requires a comment which sums up your likes and dislikes based on this one experience. if someone sees you eating fish, you must love fish. if someone sees you refuse a jacket, you must love the cold. if you accept it, you can't handle the cold. if you use your computer, you can't live without it. if you don't answer the phone, you must hate the person. probably, if you chop yourself with a machete by mistake, you must be a masochist. its nuts. i've never been judged so quick, by so many people, so often. basically, the advice is, if you come to the campo, dont do anything, because people might get the wrong idea.

and finally, numero tres. honduran men urinate anywhere and everywhere. sure some of them are kind enough to shield the action from the public, but the majority will just pick a wall or fence and let go. in the middle of the street, at the farm, on the trail. hell, they'll pull over on the highway, and in front of everyone just do it. and its usually without warning too, so if you're walking with someone and they get the urge, they'll just take it out and start. you might be looking or not, but no importa (doesn't matter), what's catching a glimpse really gonna do for you. the worst part, is that there may be a bathroom within inches and they wont even think about it. fuck it, why dont i pee in front of ten people on someone's porch, while i could pee in the house in private. what fun would that be for everyone else. maybe they'll want to pee too, and then we can all pee together. group wizz. maybe i can start that as a project, public urinals with vision shields, so that at least people are protected and the urine can be collected or something and used as fertilizer. maybe i can even get peace corps to fund it....

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